Saturday, May 15, 2010

J2 Science (Term2, 2010) - Exam Tips

Tip 1 - 4 main diagrams for labelling. Make sure you know how to spell the terms correctly. Be careful with the diagrams above. Some of the labellings are different from your textbook.

Tip 2 - Know the definitions of the main terminologies. Following are the important ones.
a) excretory
b) photosynthesis
c) respiration
d) transpiration
e) asexual reproduction in plants

Tip 3 - Know what they consist of. Examples are as follow;
a) Blood is consist of blood corpuscles and blood plasma as blood corpuscles are consist of ...
b) Lymphatic system consists of ...
c) Blood in the renal artery consists of ...
d) Microorganisms consist ...
e) The vegetative organs of natural vegetative propagation consist of ...

Tip 4 - Know the functions.
a) erythrocyte, leucocyte, thrombocyte
b) functions of blood
c) 2 functions of kidney
d) 5 functions of skin
e) functions of the 5 different parts of the brains
f) functions of transpiration

Tip 5 - Know the differences
a) Between the 3 types of blood vessels
b) Between the brain and spinal cord
c) Between reflex arc and reflex action
d) Between the 4 main types of mircoorganisms
e) Between mitosis and meiosis and also amitosis
f) Between photosynthesis and respiration in plants
g) Between diffusion and osmosis

Tip 6 - Knowing the factors
a) The 3 factors that enable water to sip upward through xylem
b) Factors affecting transpiration

Tip 7 - Topical importance
Circulatory System
- know the structure of the heart, internally as well as externally
- know the composition of blood
- have basic understanding of blood group and the universality of certain type
- know the function of blood
- know the differences of the 3 types of blood vessel
- basic understanding of the lymphatic system

Excretory System
- know as much as the textbook has on the kidney
- know the functions of skin

Nervous System
- understand the diagram on pg 276
- know the parts of neurone and its functions
- know how neurone is classified
- know how brain is divided and their related function
- go through the test paper on nervous system for a good revision effort

- know the basic of each type
- know their functions
- know their shapes
- basic understanding of the structure

Division of Cells
- The table in pg 187 pretty much conclude mitosis and meiosis
- basic understanding of the growth of plants especially the roots
- do not need to draw the flow diagram of nucleus splitting

Photosynthesis and Respiration in Plants
- their their definitions and differences
- know their processes and the needed conditions
- know how experiments are conducted to verify the processes
- know why some of the things are used in experiments like iodine, sodium hydroxide, beans instead of plants
- be familiar with the experiment in pg 194
- table in pg 199 is very important

Transportation and Transpiration in Plants
- make sure you know what is diffusion and osmosis and their differences
- be familiar with the structure of the transporting system in plants in particular the dicotyledon plants
- knowing the function of xylem and phloem
- knowing the forces in play that enable water to sip up the xylem from roots
- know the functions of transpirations
- know the factors affecting transpiration
- know the modifications of leaves to reduce transpiration

Reproduction in Plants
- focus only in asexual reproduction
- know how to differentiate the vegetative organs
- know the common artificial vegetative propagation methods
- understand the advantages and disadvantages of vegetative propagation

- know how to classify vertebrates
- know how to classify flowering plants
- know the importance of biodiversity

This list of exam tips is quite exhaustive. Use it as a check list to ensure all needed knowledge are in your grey matter before you set foot into the exam room. Though the list looks long and a bit intimidating, it is actually quite basic. If you know most of what is in this list, you sure get flying colours on your science exam. If you have any question regarding J2 science, post it in my fb. I will answer from there.


  1. which is the same as memorising d whole book

  2. Bobby teacher, My exam sure failed... I didnt know what are you saying... XD!!! HELP
